Friday, October 29, 2010

What can happen in 8 min.

I have always wanted to write and I realized I was never going to be dedicated enough to actually write a book. So, I thought Blogging would be fun and a reasonably attainable goal. My brother likes to say (in such moments as when I am using my fork to shove Chinese food onto chop sticks) I have a way of making simple tasks seem very difficult and even confusing to those around me. Luckily I have learned over the years that if you can't laugh at your self, well, you could never walk in my shoes anyway.

So before you read my first story know this. I chose a short, recent story to start with thinking it would be easy to make time to work on it. (a seemingly simple task right?) Well, even this post was an adventure because after spending 3 hrs in paint drawing (no easy feat) and trying to save and move files I managed to delete more than 1 photo, more than one time.  So what was 8 min in actuality, and a 2 min story to tell, took almost two weeks to finish...........

Two Weeks ago……………(or 4 but who's counting)

I stood in front of the mirror at the house congratulating myself on how cute and stylish I was before leaving for work.  I had woken up a little early and did my hair, put on some new work shorts (pleated and pressed) with a nice blouse and the cutest pair of purple high heels, I had my fake pearls on with matching earrings. I am hardly ever as cute or grown up looking as I was this morning.
I then hopped on my bike and started the ride into work. I approached an small residential intersection. 

There was a car coming slowly in the right hand lane closest to me. The lane next to that was clear. There were two oncoming cars in both lanes of opposite direction. Here’s when I had a sudden feeling of optimistic athleticism.

 My plan was simple. I would just ride out far ahead of the first car. Then I would hop up the rolly curb in the median and ride it for about 4 seconds until the other cars had passed.

Then like a total biking Bad ass I would ride off the other side of the curb smoother than Lance Armstrong followed by a pack of Frenchmen.

Determined, I peddled Fast!

Welcome to my Life...................


  1. OH MY GOODNESS! Glad your ok. Love the illustrations...

  2. Tana-banana! Your illustrations are magnificent!!! Totally worth the 2 weeks :) Love you girl! And be careful on that bike (riding in high heels is impressive, though! i find riding in cowboy boots difficult, so kudos!!)
    btw, this is jen hopperstad! not sure how my name's gonna show up

  3. This is adorable, I just love it. Remember, the more you work in paint drawing, the more proficient you will become.

  4. Tana! Tana! Tana! I am glad you're okay. My similar story of assuming myself more athletically capable than I should have would be way back when I had babies napping. I had just finished getting one to sleep, and the other was so close, when the phone rang in the other room. Not wanting the phone to wake them, I leaped over a cord running across the doorway... don't ask why... and instead of clearing it, my foot hooked the cord, I went crashing down, pulling the phone down off the dresser... waking everyone up and leaving me crying in pain and defeat as a mother! I was laughing too, as I pictured how ridiculous I must have looked!!

    ~Aunt Jeri
