Saturday, December 10, 2011

Blazer of Glory - Part 1

So I was at my friend Chris's house writing songs as usual and whining about how i am old and don't have adventures any more and I really wanted to have a random adventure, but my stupid car is broke.

Then Chris had an Idea we should just have a mini adventure and go explore Star and Emmit Idaho,because as amazing as that sounds, neither of us have ever done it before! That, and it was better than sitting in the same room all night yet again.
So we packed up the guitars and his dog Daisy and hit the Road.

We had this great idea we would drive around for a few hours and then find some old country bar and get a beer when they opened. Who knows what characters we could find.

Listening to Music and talking we drove when i had the urge to be in nature and look at the stars.

Chris quickly pointed out. 

That it was over cast!

I said i really felt like we had to see the sky and we should drive out of the city lights to see it. 
Chris was a sport and said we should just follow my intuition and go.

So off we go driving along the ridge of a hill we managed to find about 15 min out side of star Idaho.

 Soberly i decide we have gone far enough and park with us on an incline

Drunkinly Chris says Lets keep going.

we go as far as we could on the ridge and park over looking a radio tower of some sort.
We got out and stared out at the full moon.

Now fully inspired to write some songs, I realised it was freezing out and too cold to play outside so we got back in the blazer to go.

 There was a drop of on either side of the car so i had to back out in reverse over the trail. I am not very used to his car. and just then, we hit a dip in the dirt and.............

We're stuck!

This next part I did not make up, Chris litteraly said

I jumped out of the driver seat and threw my arm out in a you are welcome to it gesture.

Chris tried

and tried....
 and tried........
and tried.......

No Luck, Just then i had an idea!

 Lets take all the dead sage brush and stuff it under the tires for traction!

Chris looked at me like i was retarded.


So we went over the facts.  


by now it's 4:30am and it's still Freezing and...................

Screw it! We have shelter & guitars lets write a song.

 In the back of the blazer and played music for another hour or so and then tried to sleep.

No Blankets...No pillows.....and muddy wet clothes....Trust Me..

(Ps. That's supposed to be my freezing breath)

After a few hours i couldn't take it anymore. The sun was starting to come up.

I got out to watch it and try to think of what to do next.
Then i Remembered I Just got an Iphone. 
Hmm....... I wonder.....

Now who to call for rescue?

To be continued .................

Friday, January 21, 2011

Wheres My Debit card - Target Episode

I go see My friend Leslie and her 2 Children Kaylee 4 and Lucca just about every week. This last week Leslie wanted to get the kids out of the house for a while, and she wanted a to grab a few things so we all went to Target together.
While at the clearance section I saw it calling my name, a Maroon Corduroy jacket

And it was only ..........

WOOO I was so excited. I took off my Purse / Satchel bag and hung it on the rack while I tried on the jacket

So I decide to get the jacket and I put it in the cart then the 4 of us continue to shop and play with toys for somewhere around another 30 min.
We get to the check out and Leslie is paying when I reach down to grab my debit card out of my bag.

At this moment I said nothing to Leslie or anyone else, I turned and ran. I Figured it wasn't that far I could get back grab my bag and get back in a reasonable amount of time for my check out.

I was closing in on the Dressing room counter when I heard a little girls Voice breaking the peaceful shopping music...............

I looked back and laughed as Kaylee was in hot pursuit..... Then I noticed all the mothers scoffing at me.

Which made me laugh more........

I got to the dressing room attendant just as Kaylee caught up with me.
They found it and left it in customer service for me.

I will spare you the mundane details of the next few hours. I bought the coat, left Leslie and the kids at home and went to play music with friends

 got home that night and was going to stop for gas and realized I didn't have my debit card.
I figured I left it at my friends house....................

Or I left it at Leslies................

So I went to Sleep.

(Ps.. This is why I don't have a boyfriend!)

Next I awoke to my phone ringing

(Pss. On second thought maybe this is why...................)