I go see My friend Leslie and her 2 Children Kaylee 4 and Lucca just about every week. This last week Leslie wanted to get the kids out of the house for a while, and she wanted a to grab a few things so we all went to Target together.
While at the clearance section I saw it calling my name, a Maroon Corduroy jacket
And it was only ..........
WOOO I was so excited. I took off my Purse / Satchel bag and hung it on the rack while I tried on the jacket
We get to the check out and Leslie is paying when I reach down to grab my debit card out of my bag.
At this moment I said nothing to Leslie or anyone else, I turned and ran. I Figured it wasn't that far I could get back grab my bag and get back in a reasonable amount of time for my check out.
I was closing in on the Dressing room counter when I heard a little girls Voice breaking the peaceful shopping music...............
I looked back and laughed as Kaylee was in hot pursuit..... Then I noticed all the mothers scoffing at me.
Which made me laugh more........
I got to the dressing room attendant just as Kaylee caught up with me.
They found it and left it in customer service for me.
I will spare you the mundane details of the next few hours. I bought the coat, left Leslie and the kids at home and went to play music with friends
got home that night and was going to stop for gas and realized I didn't have my debit card.
I figured I left it at my friends house....................
Or I left it at Leslies................
So I went to Sleep.
(Ps.. This is why I don't have a boyfriend!)
Next I awoke to my phone ringing
(Pss. On second thought maybe this is why...................)
Holy crap I almost peed my pants just now LOL This was awesome!